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Showing posts from August, 2020

Risk Chain

  In sequence of “threat” to "asset" becoming a reality and creating negative "impact" is a complete “Risk chain”. There are several links which can be broken to "Protect". Consider Security Risk Chain like a Fire-Triangle which has Fuel, Heat and Oxygen. When one gone, fire gone. Similarly in Risk Chain, one link broken is “Risk” gone.  Smart Security is identifying balanced Security measures i.e. infrastructure, technology & automation, process and man-power to be effectuated to brake risk chain at right link. Understanding propitious risk mitigation tool is important for S ecurity Manager . During sensitive times, Police takes custody of regular offenders from city - Police removes "adversary" from chain. On other site, terrorist select populated areas for bomb explosion, to have maximum "impact" – as explosion in non-populated area will be only for enjoyment as fireworks. Therefore knowingly unknowingly, Security and Adv...